Welcome to #10DaysofTailgate! We have nearly two dozen bloggers with over one hundred recipes scheduled to inspire you through an entire tailgating season. Think chicken wings, skewers, sweet nibbles, and cocktails. The event runs September 20th through September 30th. Just remember: your fork does not go into your monitor…no matter how much you might want to taste some of these dishes. Okay? Get ready…get set…
Go! Let’s start with a huge – HUGE! – thank you to our event sponsors who have graciously donated prizes for our readers. These sponsors have contributed great prizes for a gigantic giveaway. We have an incredible giveaway for this event. There are fourteen different prize packages which are detailed in the rafflecopter. The rafflecopter is below and will go live on September 20th. Please check back, if you’re reading this before our kick-off.
cocktails and wings
Great choice!
frito chili pie!
Never had it. Need to try it.
Buffalo Chicken Dip
Always a favorite!
Is chili a tailgate food? It's my favorite.
Anything is a tailgate food!
Delicious choice!